KRSS Learning Centre

3 Reasons To Go Refurbished

Written by Abbie K | Dec 2, 2022 1:06:59 PM

When you’re in need of lab equipment there are two options you can choose, buying new or buying used. But which choice will be more beneficial to you?

We’ve put together this short article that highlights the benefits of choosing the refurbished option instead of buying new instruments.

Financial benefits

First of all, it makes sense financially, especially if you are working with a tight budget. Generally, it costs significantly less than a new instrument and is a great way to save money.

This is where a lot of people start to worry about the standard and capability of refurbished instruments. We can assure you that there will be no compromise on the quality of the instrument as our engineers are highly qualified to ensure the equipment is restored to a high standard.

Speaking of our engineers, many of them have originally worked for an OEM, meaning they are experts in their own fields. As they are no longer tied to an OEM they can also offer you an honest evaluation and opinion without the need to promote an instrument they’re affiliated to.

Even though our instruments are refurbished, that doesn’t mean that there are no finance options available. Our partners, Origin Finance, will happily help you fund used equipment.

The lower acquisition costs will provide your company with quicker ROI compared to buying a new model.

Instrument support

If you associate the word refurbished with an old piece of equipment, you’re not the only one. Many people assume this, however, our stock of instruments isn’t all necessarily old, they can be the latest model or maybe only a year or two old.

Your next worry may be whether we can support instruments that the OEM no longer provides. Rest assured, as we have a wide range of legacy parts that we can supply and fit to ensure your instrument continues to operate for longer.

Even if you want the OEM to service your used system, many of them are happy to still do so.

Not only do we sell these instruments, but we offer service agreements and warranties too. Our warranties are usually six months but we can extend that offer on most of our refurbished instruments.

We don’t sell instruments we can’t support, we’ll even support them after the warranty period is over.

Doing your part for the environment

If there was an industry that knew the importance of being environmentally friendly, it’s this one.

Repurposing equipment means giving them new life and not letting them rot in a wasteland with perfectly good parts left in them.

These pieces of equipment are not the easiest to fit in your recycling bin so that’s why we pride ourselves on restoring them.

The refurbishment of analytical equipment has never been so accepted, worldwide, as it is today with many companies now realising it’s a sustainable option financially and environmentally.

Choosing the refurbished option means no unnecessary spending on equipment and a healthier budget.

Sounds good, right? Contact our team today for more information at